Howard Soil Conservation District
14735 Frederick Road
Cooksville, MD 21723

The Howard Soil Conservation District's staff of trained specialists helps landowners make wise land use decisions for their properties. Cost sharing assistance from federal, state and/or local sources may be available for conservation practices that control erosion and improve water quality.
The Howard Soil Conservation District is solely authorized to review sediment and erosion control plans and small pond designs for all proposed developments.
Our trained specialists and engineers actively participate on Howard County's weekly subdivision Review Committee with other state and county agencies.
Our technical experts provide direct one-on-one assistance to homeowners, community associations and county departments with natural resource problems and questions. The HSCD is uniquely positioned to call on the expertise of cooperating state and federal agencies in addressing natural resource issues.
The Howard Soil Conservation District is the prime sponsor of the Howard County Envirothon. The Envirothon is a nationally recognized event that brings students together to learn and work as a team on environmental issue problem solving.
The Envirothon gives the county's youth an opportunity to learn about and explore the environment around them and how they impact it.
The Howard Soil Conservation District conducts a Junior Envirothon and a Senior Envirothon each year. Winners of the Senior Envirothon may compete in Statewide and National competitions with teams from across the nation.