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Howard Soil Conservation District
14735 Frederick Road
Cooksville, MD 21723
History & Mission
Our Mission
The mission of the Howard Soil Conservation District is to improve the natural resources and environment of the County through solid technical expertise and on-site assistance, educational programs, cost-share programs as appropriate.
The Howard Soil Conservation District is a unique partnership of State, Federal and Local entities focused on the improvement and conservation of the county's natural resources. The Howard SCD has memorandums of understanding and solid working relationships with agencies and organizations such as the Maryland Department of Agriculture, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. EPA as well as a host of county agencies, private organizations and groups.
Our staff consists of Certified Professional Erosion and Sediment Control Specialists, Registered Professional Engineers, Certified Professional Agronomists, Equine Specialist and Wetlands Specialist. We have access to federal and state specialists on an as-needed basis.
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